To give new dimensions to our students learning we make them available with multiple services, other than their regular courses.
Admission Counselling is made available, for the music enthusiasts who wish to get trained, but are unaware of the musical world. Professional guidance about the ways, methods and process to get a professional training, as masters did.
Student Counselling is an ongoing process at Concerto. During classroom training students are introduced with various situations, based on that their performances, assessments are prepared and time to time counsellings are provided to enhance their performances.
Concerto Activity Club (CAC) can form a vital part of your overall development here at Concerto. The purpose of CAC is to help students to foster performing skills through live performances, to gain an in-depth understanding of music and related subject through workshops, to learn technical and event management skills required to perform and organise music concerts and to get guidance and work assignments from the experts.
Participation in CAC provide you opportunities to perform, organise and learn by live practical experiences to pursue a particular interest, to learn more about your coursework and to celebrate your music, art and culture or just to have fun in learning.