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Concerto has evolved after deep thought and persistent efforts, innovative strategies to promote various fields of arts, more particularly music by engaging in teaching, training and research. Experts in the respective fields are engaged in pursuit of producing the best results.


The courses are unique in more than one way. Our courses prepared in a scientific and innovative way carry multiple benefits for personality development apart from developing proficiency in music. The syllabus has been designed with a view to preparing artists for the near future. The class rooms are designed aesthetically and in functionally appropriate way using innovative Methodologies.


The School was started by Sudhanshu Verma single headedly to teach Guitar and Music theory. The school has been developed in a persistent way and courses other than Guitar have been introduced gradually. Apart from various courses of Concerto the courses of international boards are taught and exams are conducted at Concerto School of Music.


Concerto is proud to have achieved only the best result since 1998.


Concerto has its own publication which published a number of books catering to the needs of music students and amateur musicians as well as professionals. Apart from books Concerto also accepts to publish Research papers, Thesis, and other content related to Music, Art and Culture.  


Concerto is running student exchange programme in collaboration with schools and Institutions abroad. In student Exchange Programme our students get an opportunity to learn and study western music, art and culture abroad and vice versa.


Our E-learning programme was introduced in 2004 as an innovative approach to online music education to give students a real classroom involvement and hands on tuition; all in the comfort of their own home. This online medium of instruction is most beneficial to prospective students who can not attend physical classes over logistic and other concerns. ​Trough seamless interaction and sharing of information with the help of our ‘Live Class Access’, we have achieved a never before experienced ease in online coaching. ​Concerto has been educating students with distinctive techniques developed in-house and carefully crafted E-learning programme; which over time have become increasingly sought after. Music enthusiasts, who wish to learn; be it beginner, intermediate or advance, can sign on and benefit from this offering.



Concerto prepare students for various examinations of ABRSM, London College of Music, Trinity College of London and Rockschool UK. For students  who have learnt up to the desired level, examinations are conducted twice a year. 

© Concerto School of Music 2024

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