Concerto has evolved after deep thought and persistent efforts, innovative strategies to promote various fields of arts, more particularly music by engaging in teaching, training and research. Experts in the respective fields are engaged in pursuit of producing the best results.
The courses are unique in more than one way. Our courses prepared in a scientific and innovative way carry multiple benefits for personality development apart from developing proficiency in music. The syllabus has been designed with a view to preparing artists for the near future...

Stone Age Workshop
A primary music history workshop was held at CSM for ConcertoKIDS.
Archaeomusicology Workshop
On Ancient and Prehistoric music in India has been held at Concerto by Sudhanshu Verma.
Jazz and Blues Workshop
Jazz and Blues Gospel Workshop was conducted at CSM Bhopal in partnership with U.S. Consulate General Mumbai.
B - 167, Shahpura, Bhopal 462039, Madhya Pradesh, INDIA
Ph: +91 755 2422069
Fa: +91 755 2420059
Mo: 9993006454
Email: csm.bhopal@concertocreations.com